Last steps

At this stage we should have everything installed, the database, caching and sessions configured.

As a last step before starting the applications you should go through all the variables in /etc/rdrf/rdrf.conf and make sure everything is set to sensible values. See :ref:settings.

Restart apache

To start up the RDRF web application restart Apache:

# service httpd restart

Start MongoDB

To start up the MongoDB:

# service mongod start

Load fixtures

Create initial users and sample data elements (both files must be loaded in order):

#  load_fixture --file=rdrf.json
#   load_fixture --file=users.json
The following users/password are created:
  • curator/curator
  • genetic/genetic
  • fhcurator/fhcurator
  • clinical/clinical
  • admin/admin

The sample registries are purely for demonstration purposes

NB. After designing a registry ( along with its working groups) - users will need to be assigned to a working and registry before they will be able to see any data - this is accomplished by logging in as an admin and editing the given user.

At this stage you should be able to access the RDRF web application by browsing to https://YOURHOST/rdrf/.