Database Setup

We assume that you have a database server (preferably Postgres) installed, that is accessible from the server you’re performing the RDRF installation on.

Create the RDRF database

Please create a database (ex. rdrf_prod) that will be used by the RDRF application. We recommend creating a user called rdrfapp with no special privileges that will be the owner of the database.

Configure RDRF to use RDRF database

To change the database that RDRF points at you will need to alter the RDRF settings file. Open up /etc/rdrf/rdrf.conf in your editor and make sure the variables in the database options section (dbserver, dbname, dbuser etc.) are set correctly.

For more details see Settings File.

Initialise the RDRF database

The RDRF codebase employs South to manage schema and data migrations. To initialise the database:

# rdrf syncdb --noinput
# rdrf migrate

These will create the schema, insert setup data, and create initial users.