.. index:: single: django single: settings.py .. _settings: Settings File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As RDRF uses the Django web application framework, much of its configuration is through the settings.py file. For most settings in this file you can consult the `Django documentation `_. RDRF supports the pattern advocated in the `Twelve-Factor app document `_. This means that most of the configuration you need to do can be done by setting simple variables in your ``/etc/rdrf/rdrf.conf`` file. For the full list of variables you can edit in your config file refer to your ``rdrf/settings.py`` file and look for the settings that are set using ``env.get``. A list of variables you would like to edit for a usual RDRF server are: =============== ============ Variable Description =============== ============ dbserver The hostname of your Postgres DB server. dbname The DB name that rdrf uses. dbuser DB user name. dbpass DB user's password. allowed_hosts Space-separated list of allowed hosts. memcache Space-separated list of memcache servers to use. secret_key Secret key of this RDRF installation. admin_email The email address that will receive Admin emails. =============== ============ If you need more control you can always edit your ``/etc/rdrf/settings.py`` file directly. The settings in this file will overwrite the settings in ``rdrf/settings.py`` and the config options you set in ``/etc/rdrf/rdrf.conf``.