Create a patient registry without software development.
RDRF allows for rapid creation of patient registries.
The Rare Disease Registry Framework (RDRF) is an open source tool for the creation of web-based patient registries. What makes it unique is that data entry forms and questionnaires are based on reusable data element definitions (called "Common Data Elements" ) which can be created and/or loaded into the system at runtime. This means that registries can be created and modified without changes to the source code. RDRF has been developed at the Centre for Comparative Genomics, Murdoch University, Western Australia.
A Demo Site is available for you to try out online. Different levels of access are available, including admin (username and password: admin), data curator (username and password: curator), genetic staff (username and password: genetic) and clinical staff (username and password: clinical).
RDRF supports translations of registries into multiple languages. Check out the screencast here!
RDRF was announced as a finalist for the category Most Impactful Social Benefit for the 26th WAITTA INCITE Awards 2016-2017! Check out the screencast here!
RDRF includes the GRDR model registry of Common Data Elements (CDEs). The GRDR CDEs in RDRF are organised into 9 categories:
A demo GRDR Registry is available for you to try out online. Admin user (username and password: admin) and curator user (username: grdrcurator, password: GRDRcurator1!) logins are available.
RDRF includes the RD-Connect Common Data Elements. This is a minimum data set for patient data entry to be used in the RD-Connect framework. The RD-Connect CDEs in RDRF are organised into 4 categories:
A demo RD-Connect Registry is available for you to try out online. Admin user (username and password: admin) and curator user (username and password: rdccurator) logins are available.
If you use the RDRF, please cite:
Screencasts of the RDRF can be found on YouTube.
If you would like to know more or are using RDRF and would like to register your project please email and tell us about your project.
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